@@ -172,10 +172,10 @@ public class HomeworkPictureQueryDaoImpl implements HomeworkPictureQueryDao {
.append(" hp.teacher_id, hp.allot_time, hp.create_time, hp.corrected_picture_url, hpc.check_date, hpc.checker, hpc.is_check_error," )
.append(" hpc.error_reason, hp.is_checker_correct is_correct")
.append(" FROM scon_homework_picture hp left join scon_homework_picture_correct hpc on hp.id=hpc.homework_picture_id ")
- .append(" where hp.homework_id=? and hpc.type = ? and (hp.is_feedback=1 or hp.is_mark in (1,3,4)) order by hp.create_time");
+ .append(" where hp.homework_id=? AND hp.correct_time is NOT NULL and hpc.type = ? and (hp.is_feedback=1 or hp.is_mark in (1,3,4)) order by hp.create_time");
- return dao.findList(sb.toString(), param.toArray(), HomeworkPictureDto.class);
+ return dao.findList(sb.toString(), param.toArray(), HomeworkPictureDto.class);