@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ public class LibJoinQueryDaoImpl implements ILibJoinQueryDao{
selSQL.append("(SELECT ifnull(concat(SEC_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,min(a.allot_time),NOW())),''),'00:00:00') from scon_homework_picture a where a.teacher_id = t.user_id and a.is_mark in (0,2) and a.is_feedback = 0 and not exists (select 1 from scon_homework_picture_correct x where x.type=8 and x.start_time is not null and a.homework_id = x.homework_id ) ) as wait_max_time, \n");
selSQL.append("t.user_id as teacher_id,t.name as teacher_name, \n");
- selSQL.append("(select ifnull(concat(SEC_TO_TIME(sum(b.correction_time)),''),'00:00:00') from scon_homework_picture a join scon_homework_picture_correct b on a.id = b.homework_picture_id where a.teacher_id = t.user_id and a.is_mark in (0,2) and a.is_feedback=1 and to_days(b.end_time) >to_days(now())) as today_correct_time, \n");
+ selSQL.append("(select ifnull(concat(SEC_TO_TIME(sum(b.correction_time)),''),'00:00:00') from scon_homework_picture a join scon_homework_picture_correct b on a.id = b.homework_picture_id where a.teacher_id = t.user_id and a.is_mark in (0,2) and a.is_feedback=1 and to_days(b.end_time) =to_days(now())) as today_correct_time, \n");
selSQL.append("(select ifnull(concat(SEC_TO_TIME(floor(sum(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,a.allot_time,b.start_time))/count(1))),''),0) from scon_homework_picture a join scon_homework_picture_correct b on a.id = b.homework_picture_id and b.type=8 where a.teacher_id = t.user_id and a.is_mark in (0,2) and b.start_time is not null and ((a.is_feedback=1 and b.end_time > ?) or a.is_feedback=0)) as efficiency, \n");
selSQL.append("t.is_online as state \n");