Browse Source


shenhao 3 years ago

+ 1 - 0

@@ -1879,6 +1879,7 @@ public class LibVipServiceServiceImpl extends BaseServiceImpl<LibVipService, Str
+			libVipService.setEndTime(endDate);

+ 2 - 3

@@ -416,10 +416,9 @@
             AND to_days(  #{queryEndDate} ) >= to_days( t11.create_time )
         )t11 on = t11.vip_id
-        left join tb_lib_vip_service t14 on = t14.vip_id
-        LEFT JOIN tb_lib_join t13 ON t14.lib_id =
+        LEFT JOIN tb_lib_join t13 ON t12.lib_id =
-        t14.lib_id = #{libId}
+        t12.lib_id = #{libId}
         <if test="searchValue != '' ">
             and t12.child_name regexp #{searchValue}

+ 444 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ * @author; WeChat:qqyun686
+ * @version V3.0.1
+ * @description 一款简单易用的H5/Web文件上传插件,支持样式自定义,支持数据可配置,支持多实例上传...
+ */
+;(function (window, document) {
+    var defaultConfigs = {
+        easyId: '', //插件插入节点的Id,String类型
+        accept: '.jpg,.png,.pdf', //允许文件类型后缀名,逗号分隔,String类型
+        action: '', //上传文件地址,String类型
+        btnText: {  //按钮展示文字
+            select: '选择文件',
+            upload: '上传',
+            delete: '删除',
+            cancel: '终止'
+        },
+        maxCount: 3, //插件单次添加文件的最大数量,Number类型
+        maxSize: 3, //允许上传文件的最大体积,单位M,Number类型
+        multiple: true, //是否开启多文件上传,Boolean类型
+        messageTime: 2000, //messageBox消息提示毫秒数,Number类型
+        responseType: 'text', //xhr的responseType格式,String类型
+        showSize: true, //是否展示文件体积,Boolean类型
+        showLoading: false, //是否展示上传loading动画,Boolean类型
+        statusText: {  //不同状态展示的提示文字,key为对应文件状态(不可修改),value为展示文字
+            0: '允许上传', //文件大小验证合格后的初始状态
+            1: '即将上传', //等待上传队列执行到自己时的状态
+            2: '0%',      //上传时刚发出xhr还没响应时的状态
+            3: '上传成功',  //xhr响应&上传成功时的状态
+            4: '上传失败',  //xhr响应&上传失败时的状态
+            5: '体积超出',  //检测文件大小超出限定值时的状态
+        },
+        statusTextColor: {  //不同状态'提示文字'标签的className,key为对应文件状态(不可修改),value为标签的className
+            0: 'normalcolor',  //正常状态字体色的className
+            1: 'normalcolor',  //正常状态字体色的className
+            2: 'normalcolor',  //正常状态字体色的className
+            3: 'normalcolor',  //正常状态字体色的className
+            4: 'failedcolor',  //失败状态字体色的className
+            5: 'warncolor',    //警告状态字体色的className
+        },
+        statusBg: {  //不同状态对应标签的className,key为对应文件状态(不可修改),value为标签的className
+            0: 'normalbg',  //正常状态背景色的className
+            1: 'normalbg',  //正常状态背景色的className
+            2: 'normalbg',  //正常状态背景色的className
+            3: 'normalbg',  //正常状态背景色的className
+            4: 'failedbg',  //失败状态背景色的className
+            5: 'warnbg',    //警告状态背景色的className
+        },
+        timeout: 0, //请求超时毫秒数,0表示永久,Number类型
+        withCredentials: true, //是否允许请求头自带cookie等证书,Boolean类型
+        setRequestHeader: null, //配置xhr请求头的方法
+        buildSendData: null, //配置xhr发送数据格式的方法,返回data
+        checkSuccessCode: null //检查成功状态码的方法,返回布尔值
+    };
+    function EasyUpload(configs) {
+        var self = this instanceof EasyUpload ? this : Object.create(EasyUpload.prototype);
+        self.configs = Object.assign({}, defaultConfigs, configs);
+        self.files = [];
+        self.fileId = 0;
+        self.xhrFiles = [],
+        self.isXhrReady = true,
+        self.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+        render(self);
+        return self;
+    }
+    EasyUpload.prototype = { constouctor: EasyUpload }; //重新指定constouctor
+    function render(self) {
+        var easyTemplate = 
+            '<span class="message-box">我是message</span>' +
+            '<div class="loading">' +
+                '<div class="loading-icon"></div>' +
+                '<div class="loading-mask"></div>' +
+            '</div>' +
+            '<input type="file" name="file" class="input-file"'+ (self.configs.multiple ? 'multiple': '') +' accept="'+ self.configs.accept +'">' +
+            '<div class="btn-list">' +
+                '<div btntype="select" class="easy-btn btn-list-item btnlist-item-selsct">'+ +'</div>' +
+                '<div btntype="upload" class="easy-btn btn-list-item btnlist-item-upload">'+ self.configs.btnText.upload +'</div>' +
+                '<div btntype="delete" class="easy-btn btn-list-item btnlist-item-danger">'+ self.configs.btnText.delete +'</div>' +
+                '<div btntype="cancel" class="easy-btn btn-list-item btnlist-item-danger">'+ self.configs.btnText.cancel +'</div>' +
+                '<div btntype="checkall" class="easy-btn btn-list-item checkbox unchecked">✓</div>' +
+            '</div>' +
+            '<ul class="file-list">' +
+            '</ul>';
+        document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId).innerHTML = easyTemplate;
+        bindBtnList(self);
+        bindInputFile(self);
+    }
+    function renderList(self) {
+        var listTemplate = '';
+        for (var i = 0; i < self.files.length; i++) {
+            listTemplate +=
+                '<li class="file-list-item" fileid="' + self.files[i].id + '">' +
+                '<div class="preview">' +
+                (/image\//.test(self.files[i].type) ? '<img class="preview-img"' + ' src="' + self.files[i].base64 + '" alt="' + self.files[i].name + '">' : '<div class="preview-div"></div>') +
+                '</div>' +
+                '<div class="btn-file">' +
+                '<div btntype="delone" class="easy-btn btn-file-del" fileid="' + self.files[i].id + '">' +
+                '<span btntype="delone" class="btn-file-del-text" fileid="' + self.files[i].id + '">X</span>' +
+                '</div>' +
+                '<div btntype="checkone" class="easy-btn btn-file-checkbox checkbox ' + (self.files[i].isChecked ? 'checked' : 'unchecked') + '" fileid="' + self.files[i].id + '">✓</div>' +
+                '</div>' +
+                '<div class="fileinfo">' +
+                '<p class="fileinfo-text">' +
+                '<span class="fileinfo-text-name">' + (self.configs.showSize ? '<i class="fileinfo-text-size ' + matchFileSizeBg(self, self.files[i]) + '">' + bytesToSize(self.files[i].size) + '</i>' : '') + self.files[i].name + '</span>' +
+                '<span class="fileinfo-text-status ' + self.configs.statusTextColor[self.files[i].status] + '" fileid="' + self.files[i].id + '">' + self.configs.statusText[self.files[i].status] + '</span>' +
+                '</p>' +
+                '<div class="fileinfo-progress">' +
+                '<div class="fileinfo-progress-bar ' + self.configs.statusBg[self.files[i].status] + '" style="width:' + self.files[i].progress + ';" fileid="' + self.files[i].id + '"></div>' +
+                '</div>' +
+                '</div>' +
+                '</li>';
+        }
+        document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId).querySelector('.file-list').innerHTML = listTemplate;
+        bindFileList(self);
+    }
+    function bindBtnList(self) {
+        var easyUpload = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId);
+        easyUpload.querySelector('.btn-list').onclick = function (evt) {
+            var evt = evt || window.event,
+                target = || evt.srcElement,
+                btntype = target.getAttribute('btntype');
+            switch (btntype) {
+                case 'select':
+                    selectFiles(self);
+                    break;
+                case 'upload':
+                    uploadFiles(self);
+                    break;
+                case 'delete':
+                    delFiles(self);
+                    checkAll(self, 'delete');
+                    renderList(self);
+                    break;
+                case 'cancel':
+                    cancelUpload(self);
+                    break;
+                case 'checkall':
+                    checkAll(self, 'click');
+                    checkList(self);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function bindInputFile(self) {
+        var inputFile = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId).querySelector('.input-file');
+        inputFile.addEventListener('change', function () {
+            var i = 0,
+                _this = this;
+            function pushFile(obj) {
+                if (self.files.length < self.configs.maxCount) {
+                    self.files.push(obj);
+                    self.fileId++;
+                } else {
+                    showMessage(self, {
+                        text: '文件数量超出',
+                        class_name: self.configs.statusBg[5]
+                    })
+                }
+            }
+            function buildFile() {
+                if (i < _this.files.length) {
+                    var obj = {
+                        id: self.fileId,
+                        name: _this.files[i].name,
+                        size: _this.files[i].size,
+                        type: _this.files[i].type,
+                        isChecked: false,
+                        status: 0,
+                        progress: '0%',
+                        file: _this.files[i]
+                    }
+                    if (/image\//.test(_this.files[i].type)) {
+                        readImg(_this.files[i], function (base64) {
+                            obj.base64 = base64;
+                            pushFile(obj);
+                            i++;
+                            buildFile();
+                        });
+                    } else {
+                        pushFile(obj);
+                        i++;
+                        buildFile();
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    checkAll(self);
+                    renderList(self);
+                }
+            }
+            buildFile();
+        });
+    }
+    function bindFileList(self) {
+        var easyUpload = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId);
+        easyUpload.querySelector('.file-list').onclick = function (evt) {
+            var evt = evt || window.event,
+                target = || evt.srcElement,
+                fileId = target.getAttribute('fileid'),
+                btntype = target.getAttribute('btntype');
+            switch (btntype) {
+                case 'checkone':
+                    checkFileById(self, fileId);
+                    checkAll(self);
+                    checkList(self, fileId);
+                    break;
+                case 'delone':
+                    delFiles(self, fileId);
+                    checkAll(self);
+                    renderList(self);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function selectFiles(self) {
+        document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId).querySelector('.input-file').click();
+    }
+    function delFiles(self, fileId) {
+        if (self.files.length && !getCheckedCount(self) && fileId==undefined) {
+            showMessage(self, {
+                text: '未选中文件',
+                class_name: self.configs.statusBg[5]
+            })
+            return;
+        }
+        var newFiles = [];
+        for (var i = 0; i < self.files.length; i++) {
+            if (fileId && self.files[i].id != fileId) newFiles.push(self.files[i]);
+            if (!fileId && !self.files[i].isChecked) newFiles.push(self.files[i]);
+        }
+        self.files = newFiles;
+    }
+    function cancelUpload(self) {
+        self.xhr.onabort = function () {
+            showMessage(self, {
+                text: '成功取消上传',
+                class_name: self.configs.statusBg[3]
+            })
+        }
+        self.xhr.abort();
+    }
+    function checkAll(self, evtType) {
+        var allBox = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId).querySelector('.btn-list').querySelector('.checkbox');
+        if (!self.files.length) {
+            if (evtType == 'delete') return;
+            if (/\sunchecked$/.test(allBox.className)) {
+                setCheckBox(allBox, true);
+                return;
+            }
+            if (/\schecked$/.test(allBox.className)) {
+                setCheckBox(allBox, false);
+                return;
+            }
+        } else {
+            var isAllChecked = getCheckedCount(self) == self.files.length;
+            if (evtType == 'click') {
+                setCheckBox(allBox, !isAllChecked);
+                setCheckedFile(self, (isAllChecked ? false : true));
+            } else {
+                setCheckBox(allBox, isAllChecked);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function checkList(self, fileId) {
+        var easyUpload = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId);
+        if (fileId) {
+            var file = getFileById(self, fileId),
+                checkbox = easyUpload.querySelector('[fileid="' + fileId + '"]').querySelector('.checkbox');
+            setCheckBox(checkbox, file.isChecked);
+        } else {
+            var isChecked = getCheckedCount(self) == self.files.length,
+                fileList = easyUpload.querySelectorAll('.file-list-item');
+            for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
+                setCheckBox(fileList[i].querySelector('.checkbox'), isChecked);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function matchFileSizeBg(self, file) {
+        var fileSize = (file.size / Math.pow(1024, 2)).toFixed(2);
+        if (self.configs.maxSize > fileSize) {
+            return self.configs.statusBg[0];
+        } else {
+            file.status = 5;
+            return self.configs.statusBg[5];
+        }
+    }
+    function getCheckedCount(self) {
+        var count = 0;
+        for (var i = 0; i < self.files.length; i++) {
+            if (self.files[i].isChecked) count++;
+        }
+        return count;
+    }
+    function getFileById(self, id) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < self.files.length; i++) {
+            if (self.files[i].id == id) return self.files[i];
+        }
+    }
+    function checkFileById(self, fileId) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < self.files.length; i++) {
+            if (self.files[i].id == fileId) {
+                self.files[i].isChecked = !self.files[i].isChecked;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function bytesToSize(bytes) {
+        if (bytes === 0) return '0 B';
+        var k = 1024,
+        sizes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'],
+        i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
+        return (bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toPrecision(3) + ' ' + sizes[i];
+    }
+    function setStatus(self) {
+        var fileList = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId).querySelectorAll('.file-list-item');
+        for (var i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++) {
+            var id = fileList[i].getAttribute('fileid'),
+                tag = fileList[i].querySelector('.fileinfo-text-status');
+            tag.innerHTML = self.configs.statusText[getFileById(self, id).status]
+        }
+    }
+    function setProgress(self, fileObj) {
+        var easyUpload = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId);
+        var tag = easyUpload.querySelector('[fileid="' + + '"]').querySelector('.fileinfo-progress-bar');
+ = fileObj.progress;
+        tag.className = 'fileinfo-progress-bar ' + self.configs.statusBg[fileObj.status];
+    }
+    function setStatusColor(self, fileObj) {
+        var tags = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId).querySelectorAll('.fileinfo-text-status');
+        for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
+            if ( == tags[i].getAttribute('fileid')) {
+                tags[i].className = 'fileinfo-text-status ' + self.configs.statusTextColor[fileObj.status];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function setCheckedFile(self, isChecked) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < self.files.length; i++) {
+            self.files[i].isChecked = isChecked;
+        }
+    }
+    function setCheckBox(tag, isChecked) {
+        if (isChecked) {
+            if (/\sunchecked$/.test(tag.className)) tag.className = tag.className.replace('unchecked', 'checked');
+        } else {
+            if (/\schecked$/.test(tag.className)) tag.className = tag.className.replace('checked', 'unchecked');
+        }
+    }
+    function readImg(file, cb) {
+        var reader = new FileReader();
+        reader.onload = function () {
+            cb && cb(this.result);
+        }
+        reader.readAsDataURL(file);
+    }
+    function showLoading(self, isShow) {
+        var tag = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId).querySelector('.loading');
+ = isShow ? 'block' : 'none';
+    }
+    function showMessage(self, obj) {
+        var tag = document.getElementById(self.configs.easyId).querySelector('.message-box');
+        tag.className = 'message-box ' + obj.class_name;
+ = 'inline-block';
+        tag.innerHTML = obj.text;
+        setTimeout(function() {
+   = 'none';
+        }, self.configs.messageTime);
+    }
+    function uploadFiles(self) {
+        for (var j = 0; j < self.files.length; j++) {
+            if (self.files[j].isChecked && (self.files[j].status == 4 || self.files[j].status == 0 || self.files[j].status == 3)) {
+                self.files[j].status = 1;
+                self.xhrFiles.push(self.files[j]);
+            }
+        }
+        if (!self.xhrFiles.length) {
+            if (self.files.length) {
+                showMessage(self, {
+                    text: '未选中有效文件',
+                    class_name: self.configs.statusBg[5]
+                })
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        setStatus(self);
+        if(self.isXhrReady) {
+            var i = 0;
+            self.isXhrReady = false;
+            self.configs.showLoading && showLoading(self, true);
+            function upload() {
+                self.xhrFiles[i].status = 2;
+                setStatus(self);
+      'post', self.configs.action);
+                self.xhr.timeout = self.configs.timeout;
+                self.xhr.responseType = self.configs.responseType; //响应返回的数据格式 'json'ie10不支持
+                self.xhr.withCredentials = self.configs.withCredentials;
+                self.configs.setRequestHeader && self.configs.setRequestHeader(self.xhr);
+                self.xhr.addEventListener('progress', function(data){
+                    var progress = String(((data.loaded/*100).toFixed(2)) + '%';
+                    self.xhrFiles[i].progress = progress;
+                    setProgress(self, {
+                        progress: progress,
+                        id: self.xhrFiles[i].id,
+                        status: self.xhrFiles[i].status
+                    });
+                });
+                self.xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
+                    if (self.xhr.readyState == 4) {
+                        var fileObj = {
+                            progress: self.xhrFiles[i].progress,
+                            id: self.xhrFiles[i].id,
+                            status: self.xhrFiles[i].status
+                        };
+                        if (self.xhr.status == 200 && (self.configs.checkSuccessCode == null) || self.configs.checkSuccessCode(self.xhr)) {
+                            setStatusColor(self, fileObj);
+                            setProgress(self, fileObj);
+                            changeStatus(3);
+                        } else {
+                            setStatusColor(self, fileObj);
+                            setProgress(self, fileObj);
+                            changeStatus(4);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (self.configs.buildSendData == null) {
+                    self.xhr.send(null);
+                } else {
+                    self.xhr.send(self.configs.buildSendData(self.xhrFiles[i]));
+                }
+            }
+            upload();
+            function changeStatus(status) {
+                self.xhrFiles[i].status = status;
+                setStatus(self);
+                i++;
+                self.isXhrReady = true;
+                if (i < self.xhrFiles.length) {
+                    upload();
+                } else {
+                    self.xhrFiles = [];
+                    i = 0;
+                    self.configs.showLoading && showLoading(self, false);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    window.easyUpload = EasyUpload;
+}(window, document));

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 221 - 0

+ 24 - 23

@@ -64,15 +64,9 @@
 				<input type="text" id="version" name="version" class="dfinput fl" th:value="${entity.version}">
 			<li class="clearfix">
-				<input type="hidden" name="fileKey" id="fileKey" th:value="${entity.fileKey}"/>
-				<label class="upload-file">上传发版包:</label>
-				<input type="file" id="upfile">
-				<!--<a id="uploadApk" th:if="${entity.fileKey}" th:src=" ${entity.fileKey} !=null  ? (${entity.fileKey} !='' ? ${imgUrl}+''+${entity.fileKey} : '' ) :'' " style="width:200px;height:140px; margin-left: 109px;">apk</a>-->
-			</li>
-			<li class="clearfix">
 				<div id="type" class="vocation" style="margin-right: 5px; width: 346px">
-					<select class="select1" name="type" onchange="changeType()">
+					<select class="select1" id="selectType" name="type" onchange="changeType()">
 						<option  value="1" th:selected="${entity.type==1}" >小塾(深圳)</option>
 						<option  value="4" th:selected="${entity.type==4}" >小塾(上海)</option>
 						<option  value="2" th:selected="${entity.type==2}" >家长端(Android)</option>
@@ -91,6 +85,15 @@
+			<li class="clearfix">
+				<input type="hidden" name="fileKey" id="fileKey" th:value="${entity.fileKey}"/>
+				<label>上传发版包:</label>
+				<!--<a id="uploadApk" th:if="${entity.fileKey}" th:src=" ${entity.fileKey} !=null  ? (${entity.fileKey} !='' ? ${imgUrl}+''+${entity.fileKey} : '' ) :'' " style="width:200px;height:140px; margin-left: 109px;">apk</a>-->
+			</li>
+			<div id="upfile" class="easy-upload">
+			</div>
 				<textarea style="border: solid 1px #a7b5bc;width: 345px" rows="15" name="updateContent">[[${entity.updateContent}]]</textarea>
@@ -104,9 +107,10 @@
 			<li class="clearfix">
 				<input type="hidden" name="attachmentUrl" id="attachmentUrl" th:value="${entity.attachmentUrl}"/>
-				<label class="upload-file">上传附件:</label>
-				<input type="file" id="upAttach">
+				<label>上传附件:</label>
+			<div id="upAttach" class="easy-upload">
+			</div>
 				<button type="submit" class="btn">保存</button>
@@ -117,7 +121,7 @@
 	<div id="dispaly-progress"></div>
-<script th:include="sys/common/fileUpload" th:remove="tag"></script>
+<script th:include="sys/common/fileUpload2" th:remove="tag"></script>
 <script type="text/javascript">
@@ -159,23 +163,20 @@ function roleFrom(){
-var options = uploadOptions("upfile","上传发版包");
-var options_att = uploadOptions("upAttach","上传附件");
+// var options = uploadOptions("upfile","上传发版包");
+// var options_att = uploadOptions("upAttach","上传附件");
 function changeType(){
     var type = $(".select1 option:selected").val();
-    options.uploader= "[[${sysUrl}]]/sys/appinfo/upload/"+type;
-    initUpload(options,"fileKey","");
+	initEasyUpload("fileKey","upfile","[[${sysUrl}]]/sys/appinfo/upload/"+type,".apk",200,1);
+    // options.uploader= "[[${sysUrl}]]/sys/appinfo/upload/"+type;
+    // initUpload(options,"fileKey","");
-    options.fileTypeExts = "*.apk";
-    options.fileSizeLimit= '200MB';
-    var type=$(".select1 option:selected").val();
-    options.uploader= "[[${sysUrl}]]/sys/appinfo/upload/"+type;
-    initUpload(options,"fileKey","");
-    options_att.fileTypeExts = "*.*";
-    options_att.fileSizeLimit= '200MB';
-    options_att.uploader= "[[${sysUrl}]]/sys/appinfo/upload/"+999;
-    initUpload(options_att,"attachmentUrl","");
+	var type=$(".select1 option:selected").val();
+	initEasyUpload("fileKey","upfile","[[${sysUrl}]]/sys/appinfo/upload/"+type,".apk",200,1);
+	initEasyUpload("attachmentUrl","upAttach","[[${sysUrl}]]/sys/appinfo/upload/"+999,"*.*",200,1);
+   // initUpload(options,"fileKey","");
+   //  initUpload(options_att,"attachmentUrl","");

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<link href="sys/js/fileupload/easy_upload.css" th:href="@{/static/js/fileupload/easy_upload.css?3}" rel="stylesheet"/>
+<script src="sys/js/fileupload/easy_upload.min.js" th:src="@{/static/js/fileupload/easyUpload.js?3}"></script>
+  <script type="text/javascript">
+function initEasyUpload(id,buttonId,url,fileTypeExts,sizeLimit,queueSizeLimit){
+  var config = {
+    easyId: buttonId,
+    action:url,
+    accept: fileTypeExts,
+    maxSize: sizeLimit,
+    maxCount:queueSizeLimit,
+    // setRequestHeader: function(xhr) {
+    //   xhr.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'multipart/form-data');
+    // },
+    buildSendData: function(file) {
+      var formData = new FormData(); // 发送格式为formData时
+      formData.append('file', file.file)
+      return formData;
+      // return file.base64; //发送格式为base64时
+      // return null; //发送空数据,用于测试
+    },
+    checkSuccessCode: function(xhr) {
+      console.log(xhr)
+      if (/error/.test(xhr.responseText.toLowerCase())) { //这里判断仅仅用于测试,具体看项目
+        return false;
+      } else {
+        if(xhr.responseText != null && xhr.responseText != ""){
+          var obj = $.parseJSON(xhr.responseText);
+          var filePath =[0].filePath;
+          // var fileThumPath =[0].fileThumPath;
+          $("#"+id).val(filePath);
+          // if($("#"+idImg)){
+          //   $("#"+idImg).attr("src", fileThumPath);
+          // }
+        }
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  easyUpload(config);
+ *  id  input 隐藏框的ID  上传后返回的ID 保持在这
+ *  idImg   img的id 上传后替换图片
+ */

+ 42 - 1

@@ -285,7 +285,20 @@
 <!-- 				</li> -->
-		<table class="tablelist" style="width:95%;margin-left: 5px">
+		<div>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</div>
+		<div style="width: 100%;height: 10%;">
+			<ul class="forminfo">
+				<li style="margin-bottom:3px">
+					<label>商户名称:<b></b></label>
+					<input type="text"  class="dfinput fl" id="searchUnitName"/>
+					<input  onclick="onSearch($('#searchUnitName').val(),2)" type="button" class="scbtn" value="搜索"/>
+				</li>
+			</ul>
+		</div>
+		<table class="tablelist" id="unitNameId" style="width:95%;margin-left: 5px">
 			        <th style="width: 100px;">勾选</th>
@@ -1028,7 +1041,35 @@ $("#EQ_status").change(function(){
+ * js 前台搜索
+ * @param searchContent 搜索的内容
+ * @col 要搜索的哪一列,这里是第一列,从0开始数起
+ */
+function onSearch(searchContent,col){
+	setTimeout(function(){//因为是即时查询,需要用setTimeout进行延迟,让值写入到input内,再读取
+		var storeId = document.getElementById('unitNameId');//获取table的id标识
+		var rowsLength = storeId.rows.length;//表格总共有多少行
+		var searchCol = col;//要搜索的哪一列,这里是第一列,从0开始数起
+		for(var i=1;i<rowsLength;i++){//按表的行数进行循环,本例第一行是标题,所以i=1,从第二行开始筛选(从0数起)
+			var searchText = storeId.rows[i].cells[searchCol].innerHTML;//取得table行,列的值
+			//alert(searchText);
+			if(searchText == ''){
+				storeId.rows[i].style.display='';//显示行操作,
+			}else{
+				if(searchText.match(searchContent) || searchText.toUpperCase().match(searchContent.toUpperCase())){//用match函数进行筛选,如果input的值,即变量 key的值为空,返回的是ture,
+					storeId.rows[i].style.display='';//显示行操作,
+				}else{
+					storeId.rows[i].style.display='none';//隐藏行操作
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},20);//20为延时时间